Monday, November 26, 2012

John Muir

            Born in 1838, in Scotland, John Muir played a crucial role in the environmental movement by bringing attention to the beauty, and the need for preservation of the natural world. Muir a prolific writer, and adventurer, lived in California where he spent much of his time in, and around what is now Yosemite National Park. Muir through his uncanny ability to connect with others, took numerous future environmental leaders on hikes through the Sierra's; these include: Warren Olney, David Starr Jordan, and President Theodore Roosevelt. These hikes served as an opportunity for Muir to present both a physical and verbal case for the need for preservation of this nations greatest natural wonders.

              Muir's legacy as an Environmental Leader lives on through such organizations as the Sierra Club, Yosemite National Park, and his numerous writings that still inspire readers to actively protect, and secure the environment, for current, and future generations.

1 comment:

  1. I immediately thought about a wildlife refuge near my house. Many people take walks and runs there for a beautiful ocean view. I really appreciate this guy for showing people the beauty of nature because I think if people were more aware of their natural surroundings that they would care more about it to take care of it. Nice post!
